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Accueil  > Député européen (Verts, France) > Économie > Environnement > Taxation of passenger cars (

par Joachim Denkinger | 5 novembre 2003

Mini Session
Taxation of passenger cars
Outcome Vote in Plenary
The report of Mrs. Honeyball (PSE/UK) has been adopted in a roll call vote by 239 : 196 : 39 votes with Green/EFA, Liberals and most PSE voting in favour, PPE and others voting against.

The vote has confirmed the close outcome of vote in EMAC, where this report passed with 19:17 votes. The attempt of the PPE to take out essential parts of the report by a series of separate and split votes (on the environmental orientation of taxation, on the reference to the EU’s 6th Environmental Action Program, the Kyoto Protocol etc. ) failed.

More detailed remarks

Except two points (see hereunder) the Green/EFA line was voted with the inclusion of wider policy considerations (§ 2 ; 247:186:14), the emphasis on environmental-oriented taxation as part of the strategy on CO2 reduction and the goal of achieving a CO2 level of 120kg/km for new cars by 2010 at the latest (§ 13 ; 248:197:10 ; roll call). Also considerations (d to H) naming the transport sector, including private cars (and in particular high-consumption off-road vehicles) as a major source of CO 2 problems and pointing to environmental commitments taken by the EU have been adopted, alsways against the PPE and others.

On two points we lost : The statement in § 8 that removal of favourable tax treatment for diesel cars may be counterproductive from the perspective of greenhouse gas emissions and on consideration J, noting that certain tax competition between MS is advantageous for economic development.

À noter :

See the context of this briefing.

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