Député européen (Verts, France)
Mes initiatives
> Effet de serre, biodiversité et coopération
Effet de serre, biodiversité et coopération
Député européen (Verts, France)
Mes initiatives
Effet de serre, biodiversité et coopération
> A DG Trade perspective on facing biodiversity loss and climate change
Gareth Steel
26 septembre 2007
fr A DG Trade perspective on facing biodiversity loss and climate change Home > Député européen (Verts, France) > Mes initiatives > Effet de serre, biodiversité et coopération > Facing climate change and biodiversity loss: new opportunities for EU development cooperation
12 September 2007
Parlement européen - Bruxelles en Facing climate change and biodiversity loss: new opportunities for EU development cooperation Programme Conférence-débat organisée dans le cadre de l'intergroupe Trade and Environment Home > Député européen (Verts, France) > Mes initiatives > Effet de serre, biodiversité et coopération > Facing climate change and biodiversity loss: new opportunities for EU development cooperation
S. E. Sir John R. Kaputin
12 September 2007
en Facing climate change and biodiversity loss: new opportunities for EU development cooperation Ladies and Gentlemen, Climate change and climate variability has been a major issue in the recent past. Vulnerability to climate change is closely related to poverty as the poor have fewer financial and technical resources available to cope with climate related changes. Developing and least developed countries, majority of which are members of the ACP Group are, and will continue to be greatly affected by climate change. Home > Député européen (Verts, France) > Mes initiatives > Effet de serre, biodiversité et coopération > Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss:New Opportunities for EU Development Cooperation. Why ?
Jean-Claude Jacques
4 September 2007
en Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss:New Opportunities for EU Development Cooperation. Why ? Cette rubrique contient 4 articles |