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11 avril 2007

Parlement Européen (Bruxelles)
Droits humains en Colombie
Le Bureau International des Droits humains - Action Colombie (OIDHACO)
et la Coordination Colombie – Europe – Etats-Unis (CCEEU)
Avec le soutien des parlementaires européens



In Colombia, violations to human rights and humanitarian law continue to be serious, generalized and systematic and affect mainly the civil population. As the internal armed conflict persists so does the almost absolute impunity of the serious crimes perpetrated by state agents, paramilitary and guerrilla groups. Furthermore, the measures adopted by the Colombian State favor impunity rather than combating it. It is in this context that negotiations with paramilitary groups take place, benefiting them with a legal framework that does not comply with international standards that protect and aim to make effective the right to truth, justice and reparation for the victims.

It is becoming more and more evident that the historical links between the paramilitary and State agents have infiltrated the State structures at very high levels. In the same manner, paramilitary groups, directly responsible for the forced displacement of millions of Colombians from their lands, still have control over diverse and important economic activities and continue to usufruct assets seized through force.
All the armed groups are responsible for serious infringements of humanitarian law. In particular, guerrilla groups continue to kidnap, especially those men and women active in Colombian political life. A negotiated solution to the internal armed conflict is urgent and must be made a priority to the national and international agenda. While this possibility is being constructed, it is urgent that the combating groups reach humanitarian agreements aiming to exclude the civil population from hostilities.

The international community and, in particular, the European Union, its Member States and the United Nations – have been vigilant to the development of the human rights and humanitarian law situation in Colombia. In this sense, they have manifested numerous concerns and offered cooperation to overcome the situation through specific policies towards Colombia. As a result of those concerns and the offers for cooperation, in November 1996, the international community decided to establish the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office in Colombia (OHCHR). The OHCHR in Colombia and other international human rights mechanisms have made multiple recommendations to the Colombian State and the other armed actors. Those recommendations, for the most part, have not been complied.

In February 1995 the European Parliament held the First International Conference on Human Rights in Colombia. Twelve years later, the Second International Conference on Human Rights in Colombia will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels, on the 17th and 18th of April, 2007.

General objectives

a) To take stock of the human rights and humanitarian law situation serving as a guide for formulating strategies and policies that will contribute to overcoming the serious social and political crisis faced by Colombian society ; and,
b) To create awareness in the international community to continue to achieve peace and democracy in Colombia.

Sur le Web : Site de

Événements associés

  • Droits humains en Colombie : le mercredi 18 avril 2007 de 09:00 à 18:00
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