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par Micheyle Rieu | 9 avril 2003

Briefing sur le vote
Briefing sur le vote après passage en Commission des Affaires étrangères.

The foreign affairs committee adopted the overall report on the outcome of the Copenhagen enlargement negotiations with a large majority (55 members voted for, 2 against and one abstention). It is a non-legislative resolution, which accompanies the 10 recommendations of each application country. The report notes that some continuing problems remain to be tackled on corruption and also on human and minority rights and that it would pay special attention to these issues under the monitoring process. Concerning the Czechoslovak Presidential Decrees of 1945, the report mentions in general terms that "after the accession of the new Member States, all citizens of the European Union will have the same rights under the Treaty in all countries and will not be subject to any discrimination by means of law". Taken into account the Cypriot situation, it is expected that an agreement will be reached for the unification of Cyprus. Finally, regards the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, it was adopted that both countries take part in the current accession process and have to be supported by the newly acceding countries.

The Green/EFA Group tabled some amendments which were mainly adopted :

 improvement of the policies on asylum procedures by using the Schengen "facilities"
 fully implementation of the EU anti-discrimination measures
 gender equality as fundamental and integral part of economic, social and democratic development
 reinforcement of the social dialogue between Trade Unions and employers

In the same time, the EP will have to vote on 10 recommendations on the application of each acceding country to become a member of the EU. Elisabeth Schroedter is reporter for Latvia. The EP will have to approve the accession Treaty by giving its assent to each acceding country by a majority of its component Members (314 votes in favour).

The Foreign ministers of the current 15 EU MS will then formally approve the accession Treaty during the General Affairs Council of the 14th of April and the Treaty will be signed by the heads of state and government of all 25 countries on 16 April in Athen.

Debriefing après vote en plénière, Concerning the green amendments :

 amendment 1 on bugteray matters was rejected in favour of the PPE amendment (deal with groups) which was adopted (only the first and the third parts of the amend.)
 amendment 2 on Cyprus was adopted but only the first part : "regrets the failure of the UN led talks in Cyprus which were about to bring to end the division of the island ; urges the UN Secretary General to keep the momentum and continue his efforts to reach a comprehensive settlement"

The second amendment (amend. 3) tabled on Cyprus was rejected

 amendment 4 on the morality clauses was adopted
 amendment 5 on the agricultural policy was rejected
 amendment 6 (anti-discrimination measures in particular regarding gays and lesbians) was adopted
 amendment 7 (educational integration to be ensured for the Roma minority) was adopted
 amendment 8 on Temelin was rejected
 amendment 9 on crossborder co-operation was adopted
 amendment 10 on culture was adopted

The amendment 19 regarding the NATO relations tabled by the PSE was withdrawn and replaced by an oral amendment by the rapporteur Brok. It was adopted with 451 votes in favour, 87 against and 24 abstentions.

Final vote on the Brok report : 458 votes in favour, 68 votes against and 41 abstentions

recommendation/ Czech Rep. : + 489, - 39, abs 37

recommendation/Estonia : + 520, - 22, abs 24

recommendation/Cyprus : + 516, - 29, abs 26

recommendation/Latvia : +522, - 22, abs 24

recommendation/Lithuania : + 521, - 22, abs 24

recommendation/Hungary : + 522, - 23, abs 23

recommendation/Malta : + 521, - 23, abs 23

recommendation/Poland : + 509, - 25, abs 31

recommendation/Slovenia : + 522, - 22, abs 22

recommendation/Slovakia : + 521, - 21, abs 25

À noter :

Voir la présentation de la situation.

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