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[1992s] "Berlin, Bagdad, Rio", Postscript to : Towards a New Economic Order, Polity - Oxford Univ. Press, Londres - New York, 1992

(art. 651).

by Alain Lipietz | 1992

Berlin, Bagdad, Rio
Postscript to " Towards a New Economic Order"
Language for this article: English
  • français  :

    [1992c] Livre Berlin, Bagdad, Rio : le XXIè siècle est commencé, Quai Voltaire, Paris (Mai).

  • 日本語  :

    [1992s] Berlin, Bagdad, Rio, OMURA Shoten, Tokyo, 1992.

  • Deutsch  :

    [1993m] Berlin, Bagdad, Rio : Das 21. Jahrhundert hat begonnen, Westfälishes Dampfboot, Münster, 1993.

  • فارسى  :

    [1992c-ar] Berlin, Bagdad, Rio : le XXIè siècle est commencé, traduction en cours, Beyrouth.

[1992s] "Berlin, Bagdad, Rio", Postscript to : Towards a New Economic Order, Polity - Oxford Univ. Press, Londres - New York, 1992.

The postscript of Towards a New Economic Order is at the root of the french book Berlin, Bagdad, Rio

It may be considered as a substitute to the translation of it, except for the "Rio" part.

You can download it in two parts.

Part one (pdf, 3.8 Mo) :


Part Two (pdf, 3.9 Mo) :


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