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18 mai 2000

Grandes Orientations de Politique économique pour l’an 2000
Outcome Voting in Plenary on EMAC reports, 18. May 2000.

Joachim Denkinger

Report on the adoption by Greece of the Single Currency (report Goebbels ; A 5-135-2000)

Report on the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines (report Katiforis ; A5-134/2000)
The report was adopted by roll call vote (372:104:36), with Greens/EFA voting against.

We managed to get adopted several of our amendments, amongst which replacing the call for "wage stability" by "appropriate wage developments" (245:230:16 votes ; PSE in favour), welcoming higher life expectancy in the EU while pointing to the fact that full employment and productivity gains could contribute to keep collective pension schemes running (413:71:14), emphasising the importance of a well trained workforce for higher investment as well as the important role of the "Third System" for job creation (378:107:22).

However, we lost our amendment against PPE/Liberal majority, which pointed to the fact, that we need increased investment in energy-saving, housing, and public transport to make higher growth compatible with the Kyoto commitments.

(223:250:32), and to give the European Investment Bank a special mandate to carry out such investment (219:273:16).

All bigger parties voted against our demand to the Commission to come forward with new initiatives on a minimum level of taxation of business profits and savings’ income (76:410:20).

Our proposal for new arrangements regarding working hours, resulting in an average reduction on working time, was defeated by PPE/Liberal majority (214:273:21), as well as our link between further liberalisation and reducing red tape on the one hand and the maintaining of a high level of universal service provisions for the population and the safeguarding of citizens’ participation as stakeholders on the other (226:265:17).

The GUE’s call for measures to combat speculation on the international financial markets by measures such as a "Tobin tax", on which we agreed, was rejected by the conservative majority with 215:263:31 votes.

Voir la présentation de la situation.

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