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28 juin 2007

Parlement européen (Bruxelles)
Discussion on peace in Colombia

The British trade union Amicus in conjunction with the NGO Justice for Colombia would like to invite you to attend the above discussion which is being hosted by Richard Howitt MEP.

Some of the key players in the search for peace in Colombia will be giving an update on the conflict and the ongoing efforts to bring about peace talks between the Colombian Government and the FARC insurgency. They will also be seeking support for the proposal put forward by various European Governments for a prisoner exchange to take place between the parties as a first step towards wider talks.

Participants from Colombia will include :

• Dr Jose Noe Rios, General Secretary of the Colombian Liberal Party and former Colombian High Commissioner for Peace.

• Dr Carlos Gaviria, Second placed candidate in the 2006 Colombian presidential elections, former Constitutional Court judge and current leader of the Democratic Pole opposition party.

• Congressman Wilson Borja, Member of the Congressional Peace Commission, currently facilitating the talks between the Colombian Government and the ELN insurgent group.

• Archbishop Monsignor Luis Augusto Castro, President of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia and President of the National Conciliation Commission.

• Governor Angelino Garzon, Governor of Valle de Cauca department (where the proposed initial talks and exchange are to take place) and former Minister of Labour.

• Dr Carlos Lozano, editor of the newspaper ‘Voice’ and former chair of the civil society commission that oversaw the last Colombian peace process with the FARC insurgency.

• Yolanda Pulecio Betancourt, Mother of Ingrid Betancourt (a former Presidential candidate and the most high profile hostage in Colombia, who has been held by the FARC insurgent group for nearly five years).

Venue :

Room A3H1,

European Parliament

Événements associés

  • Discussion on peace in Colombia : le jeudi 28 juin 2007 de 13:40 à 14:40
    lieu : Bruxelles (Belgique)

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