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13 juin 2008

Parlement européen (Bruxelles)
Agora citoyenne :
L’Agora en quelques mots

09:00 / 12:00 • Workshops

Interpretation : English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish
During this second working group session each of the five workshops (on the same subjects) will finalise its conclusions by amending and confirming the redactors’ texts (drawn up as very brief summaries : maximum of one recto-verso page in a parlementary style per workshop). As with the previous meetings, these discussions
will be headed by two new co-moderators, one from the Institutions and the other from civil society.

The reporting teams will be the same as the day before.


Co-moderators :

For the European institutions :

 Alain Lipietz, Member of the European Parliament’s Committee for international trade, President of the delegation for the relations with countries of the Andean community

For the European civil society :

 Conny Reuter, Secretary General of a large European social network
Redactors (civil society) :
 Sophie Dupressoir, Political adviser for climate within the main European trade union confederation
 Michael Proschek Hauptmamn, Political coordinator for a European forum on environmental and social issues
 Catherine Vieilledent-Monfort, Secretary of a large movement for European integration

Live multilingual audio web cast under the EP website

Location : European Parliament, Room 5 G2

Sur le Web : L’Agora citoyenne

Événements associés

  • Agora citoyenne :  : le vendredi 13 juin 2008 de 09:00 à 12:00
    lieu : Parlement européen - Bruxelles

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