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Home  > Député européen (Verts, France) > Grandes batailles > Moyen-Orient > Résolutions sur la politique étrangère et le Moyen Orient. (

by Paolo Bergamaschi | 23 October 2003

Résolutions sur la politique étrangère et le Moyen Orient.
The annual report on CFSP by Brook went quite OK for us. All of our amendments except for 2 and a half were adopted.

Very important was the adoption of amendment 6 ,asking for an active European disarmament and armaments control policy as a key element of conflict prevention and amendment 10, regretting that the Council did not take into account our call for the appointment of a Special Envoy for Tibet (the second part asking for the support of the Tibetan government in exile was however rejected).

AS to the Menendez del Valle report on the Middle East we were able to gain very important votes on some of our amendments. In first place our amendment 11, jointly signed with PSE and GUE, welcoming the signing of the so called "Geneva accord" between some Israeli and Palestinian intellectuals and politicians and urging the Council to support it, was adopted by roll call vote with 385 votes in favour. Secondly our amendment 2 which expresses solidarity with the group of Israeli air force pilots who declared they would refuse missions that could endanger civilians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip was adopted with 206 votes in favour and 204 against. Unfortunately our amendment 3 regretting the expulsion of international peace volunteers by the Israeli authorities was rejected 206 against 204. Ciao e buon week end.

À noter :

Contexte de cette situation.

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