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[2013f] "Fears and hopes: The crisis of the liberal-productivist model and its green alternative", in Capital and Class, February 2013, 37 (1)

(art. 2951).

by Alain Lipietz | 15 February 2013

Fears and hopes: The crisis of the liberal-productivist model and its green alternative
Language for this article: English
  • English  :

    [2011c]"Fears and Hopes: The Crisis of the Liberal-Productivist Model and its Green Alternative“, first version presented as "Is a Green Deal Electable?", invited lecture to Responding to the Crisis in International Development, 20th Anniversary Conference, International Development dept, London School of Economics, 8 sept. 2011. Partly published in Capital and Class: 2013f

  • français  :

    [2011c-fr]"Craintes et espérances : la crise du modèle libéral-productiviste et son alternative verte.”, présenté à la conférence Responding to the Crisis in International Development, 20th Anniversary Conference, International Development dept, London School of Economics, 8 sept. 2011 ; - comme Invited lecture to : The Global Economic Crisis and State : Alternative Approaches for Monetary and Fiscal Policies, 59th JSPE Annual Conference, Rikkyo Univ, Tokyo, 17 sept. 2011. Publié dans Étopia, revue d’écologie politique, n°11, 2012.

  • Español  :

    [2011c-es] "Temores y esperanzas: la crisis del modelo Liberal-productivista y su alternativa verde.", conferencia Responding to the Crisis in International Development, 20th Anniversary Conference, International Development dept, London School of Economics, 8 sept. 2011, y como conferencista invitado en: The Global Economic Crisis and State: Alternative Approaches for Monetary and Fiscal Policies, 59th JSPE Annual Conference, Rikkyo Univ, Tokyo, 17 sept. 2011.

  • Türkçe  :

    [2011c-TK] "Korkular ve Umutlar: Liberal Üretkenlik Modelinin Krizi ve Yeşil Alternatif", in Ahmet Atil Aşıcı & Ümit Şahin (ed.) Yeşil ekonomi, Yeni Insam, Istambul, 2012.

  • 日本語  :

    [2011c-jp]"Fears and Hopes: The Crisis of the Liberal-productivist Model and its Green Alternative.", invited lecture to : The Global Economic Crisis and State: Alternative Approaches for Monetary and Fiscal Policies, 59th JSPE Annual Conference, Rikkyo Univ, Tokyo, Sept 17th. Published in Political Economy Quaterly, vol 49, n°1, 2012.

[2013f] "Fears and hopes: The crisis of the liberal-productivist model and its green alternative", in Capital and Class, February 2013, 37 (1)

Fears and hopes: The crisis of the liberal-productivist model and its green alternative

This text is a reduced version of 2011c

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