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7 mai 2008

Ljubljana (Slovénie)
European Patent Forum 2008
Inventing a cleaner future : Climate change and the opportunties for IP
The drastic changes in world climate - which are taking shape in many forms - can no longer be ignored and the need to find intelligent solutions to mitigate the effects is obvious. That is what the European Patent Forum 2008 is dedicated to finding answers to the question :
•How can the fields of patenting and intellectual property support innovations that benefit the environment and counteract climate change ?
This landmark event is the first ever international conference on climate technology and patenting strategies.
During its current EU Council Presidency, the Slovenian government is striving especially to promote the Lisbon Strategy, which underscores the importance of research and innovation and the development of a competitive business environment in Europe. Moreover, the Slovenian government considers it a principal priority to build on the recently adopted or forthcoming proposals of the European Commission and further the EU’s leading role in addressing the "climate-energy package".
At the European Patent Forum 2008, you will
• be given a realistic assessment of the current environmental situation and future trends by leading experts from around the world,
• witness panel discussions on pressing questions, and
• take part in focused seminars outlining the details of patenting procedure that are relevant to climate technologies.
The European Patent Forum 2008 is made possibly by a partnership between the European Commission, the Slovenian government, the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office and the European Patent Office.

 11h45 - Plenary discussion

 Are patent rights too strong for eco-innovation ?

 Bernice Lee, Head of Energy, Environment and Development – Chatham House, (The Royal Institute of International Affairs), London

 Alain Lipietz, Member of the European Parliament, Brussels

 Jerome H. Reichman, Professor of Law – Duke University School of Law, Durham/NC

 George Weyerhaeuser, Senior Fellow – World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Geneva

Le programme complet

Lieu :

Grand Hotel Union

Miklošičeva 1

1000 Ljubljana


Sur le Web : Office Européen des Brevets

Événements associés

  • European Patent Forum 2008 : le mercredi 7 mai 2008 de 11:45 à 12:45
    lieu : Ljubljana (Slovénie)

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