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1 January 1998

Curriculum vitæ
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Alain LIPIETZ, Curriculum vitae

 Alain Lipietz

Born on September the 19th, 1947

Two daughters, four grand children

Member of European Parliament (Green Group) from 1999 to 2009

Website :

Pictures of Alain Lipietz.


 1989 : Chief Engineer of Roads and Bridges (ICPC)
 1988 : Research Director at National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
 1982 : Researcher at CNRS
 1972 : Post-graduated in Economics (DEA) at Paris I University
 1969-1981: National School of Roads and Bridges (ENPC)
 1966-1968 : Polytechnic School of Paris.


 1973-1999 : Economist at the Center of Prospective Studies in Mathematical Economics Applied to Planning - (CEPREMAP)
 1971 : Economist at the Transportation Research Institute (IRT)


 2001 : Member of the Conseil d’établissement du Collège de France
 1995 : Executive Commitee of the Institute of International Studies, U.C. Berkeley
 1985-1996 : Tutor for Ph.D. Thesis at Universities of Paris VII, VIII, and XIII.
 1979-1982 :Professor of Economics at the Center for Economic Programs Studies (CEPE)
 1975-1976 : Professor of Economics at the National School of Architecture (UPA-1)
 1970-1972 : Assistant Professor of Macroeconomics at ENPC


 1999-2009 : Member of European Parliament (Green group). Elected as representative for the Green Party at the European Parlement in 1999 (third position). Reelected in 2004 (leader of Paris Region list).
Member of Legal Affairs, Economic and Monetary, Interntional Trade commitees of the European Parliament. Chairperson of the delegation for Andean Community. Vice-Chairperson of the Euro-Latino-American Parliament. Chairperson of the Intergroup Trade and Sustainable Development.
 2001 : candidate for the Green Party to the presidential election 2002.
 1997-2002 : Member of the Conseil d’Analyse économique of the First Minister, of the Haut comité à la coopération internationale, of the Commission française du développement durable
 1997-1998 : National Spokesperson of the French Green Party
 1995-1997 : City council of Villejuif
 1994-1996 : Chairperson of Delphi Forum
 1992-1994 : Member of Council of Paris Region.


See exact references in Bibliography (books).

 2012 : The Crisis of Liberal-productivism and the ecologist alternative. Translations in japanese and turkish forthcoming.
 2011 : SNCF and Shoah
 2011 : The Ghosts in the Web (novel)
 2009 : Confronting the Crisis. The Ecologist Urgency.
 2003 : A Refoundation for Hope. Lessons from the Jospin experiment.
 2001 : In favour of Third Sector. Community econmy : Why ? How ?
 2000 : The Wealth of Regions. Towards a Socio-economical Geography. (Editor with G.Benko).
 1998 : What is Political Ecology ? The Great Transformation of XXIst century. Enlarged reedition in 2012.
 1996 : Hour-glass Society. Job Sharing vs Social Exclusion. Enlarged reedition 1998.
 1993 : Green Hopes. The Future of Political Ecology. Translations into : English (Polity Press, 1995), japanese, german.
 1992 : Berlin, Bagdad, Rio - XXIst Century Has begun. Translations into english (as a complement to New Economic Order), japanese, german.
 1992 : Phaedra : Identification of a Crime. Translated in Japanese.
 1992 : The Winning Regions (edited with G. Benko). Translations in spanish, portuguese.
 1989 : Towards a New Economic Order. Post-Fordism, Ecology, Democracy. Translated into : english (Polity Press), japanese, portuguese, spanish.
 1985 : Mirages and Miracles. Fortune and Misportunes of Global Fordism. Translation into : english (Verso), japanese, portugese, spanish, corean, greek.
 1984 : To Swim or to Sink. On Economic Policies of the Frend Left Governments.
 1983 : The crisis (with Clerc & Satre-Buisson). Translated into corean, japanese.
 1982 : The Enchanted World. Inflation, Credit and the Global Crises, Translated into english (Verso).
 1979 : Crisis and Inflation : Why ?
 1977 : Capital and its Space - Translated into spanish and portugese
 1974 : The Urban Land Tribute - Translated into italian, danish.


 Skiing, climbing, hiking.
 1968 : french university champion of team-parachutism.

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