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10 novembre 2005

Parlement européen (Bruxelles)
Trade as if Development really mattered
In cooperation with the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)and the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Brussels Regional Office

 Trade as if Development really mattered

 Taking poverty reduction and sustainability seriously in Hong Kong

Monday, 7 Nov 2005, 15h00 - 18h30

Welcoming words by Monica Frassoni, Co-president of the Green/EFA Group

Introduction to the Conference by Pierre Jonckheer. MEP Belgium

Key note address : 15h15

 Olivier Deleuze - UNEP, Chief of Policy Unit, Nairobi

What’s at stake for sustainable development in Hong Kong

Session 1 : 16h00 - 18h30

20 years of trade liberalization policy and its empirical impact on poverty

Chair : Pierre Jonckheer, Green MEP, Belgium

 Robert Wade, Development Studies Institute, London School of Economics

A critique of the development perspective of the multilateral economic organisations

 Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy research (CEPR)

The impact of trade liberalization on developing countries

 Sanjay Reddy, Assistant Professor of Economics, Columbia University, New York

How not to count the poor : Assessments of the impact of globalisation and the World Bank poverty statistics

Commenting the debate :

 Chien Yen Goh, Third World Network, Geneva Office

Consequences for a development agenda in trade negotiations

 Sirra Ndow, Network of African Women Economists, Gambia

A gender perspective on trade negotiations


Tuesday, 8 Nov 2005

Introductory speech, 09h30

 Wolfgang Sachs, Wuppertal Institute

All that money can’t buy : the real meaning of fair trade

Session 2 : 10h00 - 11h30

Towards a rights based approach to international trade relations

Chair : Alain Lipietz, Green MEP, France

 Sally-Anne Way, Research Unit on the Right to Food, Graduate Institute of Development Studies, Geneva

Human Rights : respecting the human right to food in agricultural trade agreements

 Christian Barry, Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, New York

Labour Rights : promoting poorer countries’ interests in the international trading system

 Vicente Yu, South Centre, Geneva

The Right to Development : Promoting Sustainability and Policy Space for the South


Session 3 : 11h30 - 13h00

Towards international trade relations based on "values" for human development

Chair : Frithjof Schmidt, Green MEP, Germany

 Henri Rouillé d’Orfeuil, Coordination Sud, France

"Fair returns" : how to put poor rural producers back into a winning lane

 Maite Cabeza Gutés, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

"Sustainability" : how to protect from a social and environmental race to the bottom

 Steve Emmott, Consultant on Global Trade, Belgium

"Collective preferences" : a cultural approach of access to basic services


Session 4 : 15h00 - 16h30

Roundtable : What Hong Kong should deliver for sustainable development - Recommendations for EU action

Chair : Caroline Lucas, Green MEP, United Kingdom

Discussants :

 John Clarke, European Commission, Directorate General Trade, Head of Unit WTO

 Alain Lipietz, Green MEP, France

 Alexandra Strickner, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), Geneva

 James Howard, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)

 Marc Maes, 11.11.11., Belgium

Conference conclusions by Alain Lipietz

Venue : Brussels, European Parliament, Room ASP 1 G 2

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