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Accueil  > Député européen (Verts, France) > Social > Processus de Luxembourg (

2 avril 2000

Processus de Luxembourg
Programme 2000

May 1 - 16 Delivery of NAP reports by the Member States
May 1 - 26 Examination of NAPs and drafting of contributions for JER from thematic services and geographical units
May 2 Meeting of the Employment Committee -policy and performance indicators, mid-term review of Luxembourg process
May 3-4 Meeting of the expert group on indicators (taxation, lifelong learning)
May 17-18 Meeting of the ad hoc working group - preparation of Cambridge review of NAPs
May 23 DG EMPL Directors’ early assessment of model for country fiches
May 24 Meeting of the Economic Policy Committee - Mid-term review of Luxembourg process
May 29 - June 2 Integration of thematic contributions in Part I of JER/ Harmonisation of Part II
June 5 - 14 Cross-checking between Parts I and II, involving thematic services and geographic units. Review of early drafts
June 5 ECOFIN Council - Broad Economic Policy Guidelines
June 6 Labour and Social Affairs Council - Mid-term review
June 7 Cross-checking meeting. Morning : Dir. B country desks. Afternoon : Dir. C country desks
June 8-9 Meeting of the Employment Committee - Cambridge review
June 19/20 European Council at Feira
June 20 1st Draft of Joint Employment Report to be submitted to Member States and copied to associated services
June 26-July 20 Round of bilateral meetings with Member States (in Brussels)
July 8 Informal Labour and Social Affairs Council
July 12-13 Informal meeting of the Employment Committee. Preliminary analysis of Joint Employment Report 2000
July 24 2nd draft of the Joint Employment Report. 1st draft of Council decision on Employment Guidelines 2001.Delivery to translation in Legiswrite format.
July 25 - August 18 Inter-service consultation
August 25 3rd draft of the Joint Employment Report. 2nd draft of Council decision on Employment Guidelines 2001
August 31 Special chefs meeting on the employment package
September 6 Adoption of the Joint Employment Report, the draft Council decision on Employment Guidelines 2001 and the recommendation for Council recommendations on Member States’ employment policies (foreseen)
October 4 Meeting of the Economic Policy Committee - employment package
October 5 Meeting of the Employment Committee - employment package
October 16/17 Social Affairs Council + ECOFIN Council
October 24 Meeting of the Economic Policy Committee
October 26 Meeting of the Employment Committee - employment package
November 27/28 Social Affairs Council + ECOFIN Council
December 7/8 European Council at Nice

Voir la présentation de la situation.

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