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30 mars 2009

Construire ensemble l’avenir de l’Europe
Le combat contre l’antisémitisme, la défense des valeurs européennes et de la coexistence
Symposium organisé par le Congrès Juif Européen.


10:00 am – Opening of the symposium

The current state of anti-Semitism in Europe and the role of the EJC
by Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress.

10:15 am – The EU and the fight against racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism

by Jacques Barrot, Vice President of the European Commission, in charge of Freedom, Security and Justice

Tolerance in the EU

Aleksander Kwasniewski, Chairman of the European Council for Tolerance and Reconciliation, former President of the Republic of Poland

10:55 am - Moderator : Serge Cwajgenbaum, EJC Secretary General

Update on anti-Semitism in the European Union

Presentation by :

Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos, head of unit Research and Data Collection at the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)

Current state of anti-Semitism in France and in the Nordic countries

  Richard Prasquier, President, Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (CRIF)

  Rony Smolar, President of the Jewish Community of Finland, representative of the Scandinavian countries

Testimonies - Testimony by Mrs Ruth Halimi, mother of Ilan Halimi, murdered in France in February 2006

  Testimony by Mohamed Sifaoui, Algerian writer and journalist (TBC)

  Anti-Semitism in Europe : statistics and figures

By Mike Whine, Government & International Affairs Director, Community Security Trust (CST) United Kingdom, in relation with the Security Services of the French Jewish Community (SPCJ)

Structural and Conjunctural Anti-Semitism

By Joël Kotek, historian, professor at the Free University of Brussels and at the Institute of Political Studies (Paris)

12:10 pm - Statements by representatives of the European Parliament

12:40 am DEBATE A

With Alain Lipietz, Eurodeputy (France, Greens) : Les nouveaux défis de la lutte contre le racisme et l’antisémitisme.

1:30 to 2:30 pm – LUNCH

2:30 pm Living Together in Europe

Opening remarks by Joël Rubinfeld, President of the Belgian Jewish community

2:35 pmPanel of Religious Leaders

Moderator : Flo Kaufmann, Chairman of the EJC Council

o Hassen Chalghoumi, Imam of Drancy (France)
o Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon (TBC)
o Tomas Sandell, European coalition for Israel
o Haras Rafiq, head of the Sufi Muslim Council (UK)
o Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland
Raphaël Hadad, president of the French Union of Jewish Students

3:10 pm Panel of Journalists and Intellectuals

Moderator : Haïm Musicant, general director of the CRIF

o German, French, UK, Hungarian journalists
o Mia Doornaert (De Standaard, Belgium)
o Daniel Schwammenthal (Wall Street Journal Europe)
o Jean-Philippe Moinet, former journalist at Le Figaro, President of the European Civic Circle
Mohamed Sifaoui, writer and journalist

4:05 pm DEBATE B

4:35 pm In the Chair : Charlotte Knobloch, President of the German Jewish Community

Closing remarks by Moshe Kantor, EJC President

Closing speech by a representative of the Czech presidency
of the EU


Parlement européen
Altiero Spinelli Building
Room ASP 5G3
60 rue Wiertz
Bruxelles (Belgique)


Lundi 30 mars 2009

Sur le Web : Le programme sur le site du Congrès juif européen

Événements associés

  • Construire ensemble l’avenir de l’Europe - Le combat contre l’antisémitisme, la défense des valeurs européennes et de la coexistence : le lundi 30 mars 2009 de 10:00 à 17:00
    lieu : Parlement européen ( Bruxelles, Belgique)

    Symposium organisé par le Congrès Juif Européen.

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