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30 August 2008

Frankfurt - Oder (Allemagne)
Struggle over ressource factors for international crisis
Natural resource wealth does not automatically lead to more prosperity for the local populations but often makes matters worse. David Ugolor from Nigeria will share his experiences as a NGO activist fighting for the rights of the local population to a fair share of the oil profits and the protection of the environment.

This workshop will focus on natural resources as a factor for international crises and how climate change is likely to affect this field in future. We look forward to a lively debate with your participation around the following questions :
Which regions are most heavily affected by conflicts resulting from climate change and which ones are most likely to benefit? What future is there for oil extracting companies? How can they follow an ethical path to extraction, setting "best practices" in the industry? What alternatives exist to raw material deposits? What are the specific points of dispute over resources? What measures can be taken in order to prevent further escalation of conflict potentials that exist already? How are western industrialised countries affected and how can they engage in conflict prevention? Which actors can collaborate together to prevent crisis?

Around the Web : Première université d’été du Parti Vert européen

Événements associés

  • Struggle over Resources: a Factor for International Crises : le Saturday 30 August 2008 de 11:45 à 13:30
    lieu : Francfort (Allemagne)

    Struggle over Resources: a Factor for International Crises

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