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11 octobre 2004

Istanbul (Turquie)
"La Turquie dans l’UE : un avenir en commun ?"
Réunion des Verts/ALE à Istanbul. Trois jours de réunion et de débat avec des personnalités turques et européennes

Programme provisoire

9:30 - 11:00pm : Round Table - Civil Liberties in Turkey

Moderation and summing up of Round Table : Cem Özdemir, Member of the Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament - Germany

Debate with :

 Leyla Zana, former Member of the Turkish national Assembly - Diyarbakir
 Hélène Flautre, Chair of the Sub-committee on Human Rights in the E.P.
 Yavuz Önen, Chair of the Human Rights Foundation - Ankara
 Yücel Sayman, Former Chair of the Bar Association - Istanbul
 Murat Belge, Helsinki Citizens - Istanbul

11.30 - 1.00pm : Round Table - Women’s rights in Turkey

Moderation and summing up of Round Table : Hélène Flautre, Chair of the Sub-committee on Human Rights in the E.P.

Debate with :

 Senal Sarýhan, Working Group of Women on the Penal Code of Turkey - Ankara
 Nebahat Akkoç, Ka-Mer - Women’s rights association - Diyarbakir
 Eva Lichtenberger, Member of the Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament - Austria
 Aysen Erdogan, Working Group of Women on the Penal Code of Turkey / Member of the Greens in Turkey - Izmir
 Yesim Basaran, Lambdaistanbul, gay and lesbian organisation - Istanbul
 Canan Arin, Morçati, Purple Roof Women’s Foundation - Istanbul

1:00 - 3:00pm : Lunch break

3:00 - 6:30pm : Round Table - Decision on the accession negotiations with Turkey and the Commission’s report

Moderation and summing up of Round Table : Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Chair Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament- Germany

Debate with 1st Panel :

 Olli Rehn, European Commissioner
 Joschka Fischer, Foreign Minister of Germany
 Abdullah Gül, Foreign Minister of Turkey

Debate with 2nd Panel :

 Orhan Pamuk, Writer - Istanbul
 Kemal Dervis, Member of the Turkish national Assembly - Republican People’s Party
 Zülfü Livaneli, Member of the Turkish national Assembly - Republican People’s Party
 Cuneyd Zapsu, AKP, Adviser to the Prime Minister of Turkey
 Joost Lagendijk, Co-Chair of the EU-Turkey Joint Parliament committee in the EP
 Cem Özdemir, Member of the Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament- Germany

Le programme complet

Lieu : Hotel Hilton,

Convention Centre - Istamboul

Sur le Web : Les Verts/ALE au Parlement européen

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