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> "De Barcelone à Copenhague : peut-on atteindre un accord équitable sur le (…) (http://lipietz.net/?article2264)
7 octobre 2008 Barcelone (Espagne) "De Barcelone à Copenhague : peut-on atteindre un accord équitable sur le climat pour l’après-2012 ? La parole aux pays d’Afrique, Amérique Latine et Asie" The impacts of climate change are already seriously impacting on the environment and therefore societies that depend on natural resources, in particular the poorest and most vulnerable communities. In the face of such challenges, a collective conscience is growing for the need to integrate adaptation in development projects, in the management of ecosystems and in planning for increased access to energy services. Bamako (Mali) - May 2008 The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) organized a capacity building workshop to address climate change in West and Central Africa, in partnership with Climate Action Network France (CAN), ENDA (Environmental Development Action in the Third World), the Nicolas Hulot Foundation (FNH), with the support of the Italian Cooperation (DGCS). 40 stakeholders from 15 African countries, representing governments, NGOs, and research institutes exchanged their views on climate change policy and practice. The Barcelona workshop aims to present the recommendations developed by IUCN members and partners in Africa, to discuss them with representatives from Asia and Latin America and with the audience. Regional positions will then be presented at the UNFCCC COP 14 in Poznan in December 2008. A series of regional workshops in Latin America, Asia and Africa in 2009 will further develop these regional positions, which will also be presented at the UNFCCC COP 15 in Copenhagen in December 2009. Agenda 11:30-11:40 : Introduction – Julia Marton-Lefèvre (IUCN DG),
11:40- 12:20 : Debate around the recommendations from the Bamako workshop (moderated by Pierre Radanne) – Morgane Créach (Climate Action Network France) : What would be an equitable scenario for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation targets) ? – Sylvain Angerand (Friends of the Earth France) : Can REDD- Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation be an effective mitigation mechanism, including environmental and social safeguards ? – Libasse Ba (ENDA Sénégal) : How can adaptation be better mainstreamed into development and conservation projects ? What are the funding mechanisms for adaptation ? 12:20- 12:50 : Debate : What do the representatives from Latin America and Asia think about the African recommendations ? (moderated by Pierre Radanne) – Raquibul Amin (IUCN Bangladesh) : Adaptation, lessons learnt from the field – Consuelo Espinosa (IUCN South America) : Results of the REDD e-consultation Questions and answers 12:50-13:00 : Closing remarks : How would the EU respond to the recommendations from developing countries ? – Jos Delbeke (Acting Director General of DG Environment, European Commission, to be confirmed) Contacts : Ninni Ikkala (ninni.ikkala@iucn.org ; +41 79 85 89 938) Lieu : salle 117 Le panorama complet du Congrès Mondial de la Nature organisé par l’IUCN Sur le Web : IUCN Événements associés
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