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2 février 2007


Participation de Alain Lipietz à un déjeuner-débat sur les futurs accords d’associaiton entre l’Union Européenne et les pays de la Communauté Andine

The Future Association Agreement between the EU and the Andean Community

Following the May 2006 EU-Latin American and Caribbean Summit in Vienna as well as the July 2006 EU-Andean Community High Level Meeting, both regions have agreed to undertake the necessary steps that would lead to the launch of negotiations for an Association Agreement between the two. On 6 December 2006 the European Commision put forward its negotiation directives for the Association Agreement. Once the Council of the EU has approved these directives the Commission will engage in negotiations for a comprehensive agreement, covering the three pillars of relations between the EU and the Andean Community (political dialogue, cooperation, and trade). The European Commision has repeatedly stated that EU interest in these negotiations is more political than economic, with the objective of fostering regional integration and enhancing development in the Andean region. Will the EU live to its promise in truly seeking a comprehensive agreement that promotes sustainable development and regional integration ? The EU negotiation directives are expected to be approved under the German EU Presidency : Will they provide an adequate framework to achieve these objectives ? What is the standpoint of the Andean Community ? What are the expectations of Andean and European civil society regarding the Agreement ?

Date : Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Venue : Crowne Plaza (Rue de la Loi 107, 1040 Brussels) ‘Van Gogh’ Room

Speakers :

Maria José Pires, Portugal Permanent Representation Advisor

Luis Yañez-Barnuevo, MEP- Rapporteur CAN

Discussants :

Jorge Balbis, ALOP - Latin American civil society

Charly Poppe, Friends of the Earth – European civil society

Chair : Patricia Jiménez, Heinrich Böll Foundation Brussels Office

Heinrich Böll Foundation

EU Regional Office

15, rue d‘Arlon

1050 Brussels

E-mail :

Sur le Web : The EU Regional Office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation

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