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12 June 2008

Collective Security and Environment
Language for this article: English
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    Ce colloque s’est tenu le 12 juin 2008 au Parlement européen.

Conflicts have always had as goal the seizure on resources. Wars have always had as consequences the destruction, at least temporally, of large parts of territories.
The climate changes and the human pressure on environment generate conflicts: natural disasters, scarcity of resources (water, energy, etc) already cause food, humanitarian and energy insecurity. UN and the European Union have started integrating these risks in the collective security and defence policies.
In addition the armed conflicts have irreversible consequences on the ecosystems. Defence policies and militaries have tackled the environmental concerns very recently. At which stage are the international conventions (on the ban of the utilisation of techniques causing irreversible modifications of environment as militaries aims (ENMOD), on prohibition of anti-personnel mines, of cluster bombs, of weapons with depleted uranium, on the use of international rivers, etc.)?
Members of the European Parliament, NGO, ecologists, soldiers and specialists in international relations meet to tackle these questions, in two roundtables.

 Welcome and Opening

Angelika Beer (Member of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence)

 Round table 1

The impact of environment considerations on collective security

Chairman: Irnerio Seminatore (Director of the European Institute of International Relations-IERI)
Michael Matthiessen (Personal Representative of Mr Javier Solana, the Secretary-General / High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy – CSPE): Presentation of the report on "Climate change and international security"

Victoria Brereton (International Crisis Group): Impacts of climate change and environment damages on collective security

Yves Mollard La Bruyère (Directorate-General for the External Relations) : Defence or securty ) The difficult European paradigm

Amiral Rosiers (Belgian Staff Headquarters, Director-General to the EU and to the OTAN) : The place of environmental risks in planning of defence


 Round table 2

Limiting impact of new weapons and new militaries conflicts on environment

Chairman: Ben Cramer (journalist, Sustainable development Forum – FDD)

Luc Mampaey (International research group for peace and security): The ENMOD Convention and the HAARP program: which stakes, which impacts?

Philippe Grasset (Dedefensa) : The limits of the legitimation of an ethical armament

Cédric Paulin (Foundation for strategic research): Taking into account environment in the weapons programs. The economic aspects



Alain Lipietz

Compulsory inscriptions before June 4, mentioning your surname and first name, date of birth, city and country, profession/organization

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