Istanbul (Turquie)
"La Turquie dans l’UE : un avenir en commun ?"

11 octobre 2004

Réunion des Verts/ALE à Istanbul. Trois jours de réunion et de débat avec des personnalités turques et européennes

Programme provisoire

10:00 am - 12:00 : Internal Group meeting - Preparation of the Strasbourg Plenary session

12:00 - 3:00pm : Lunch break

3:00 - 3:30pm : Opening of the Conference

 Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Chair Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament

 Bülent Arınç, President of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey

Round Table - Europe’s values and frontiers

Moderation and summing up of round table : Joost Lagendijk, Co-Chair of the EU-Turkey Joint Parliament committee

3:30 - 5:00 : Islam, a European ’identity’ and Turkish membership of the EU

Debate with 1st Panel :

 Wendy Asbeek Brusse, resarch fellow of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy ;
 Ruþen Çakýr, Journalist - Istanbul ;
 Esat Korkmaz, Representative of the Alevi Community- Istanbul ;
 Etyen Mahçupyan, Turkish Economic and social Studies Foundation (TESEV), Istanbul ;

5:00 - 6:30 : Turkey and the question of the Europe’s borders

Debate with 2nd Panel :

 Heinz Kramer, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik - Berlin ;
 Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Chair Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament- Germany ;
 Johannes Voggenhuber, Member of the Green/EFA Group in the EP - Austria ;
 Ahmed Insel, Professor - University Paris I & University of Galatasaray - Istanbul.

Le programme complet

Lieu :
Hotel Hilton,

Convention Centre - Istamboul

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