Parlement européen (Bruxelles)

15 avril 2008

Capacity Global…living in a clean and healthy environment is everyone’s right



• Opening and Chair - Jean Lambert MEP (5 mins)

 Background to the project and welcome

• Just Cities Project - Maria Adebowale ; (5 mins)

• Paris group - Speech of Alain Lipietz

 Growing up in Clichy Sous Bois (Zyed and Bouna)

 Environmental Justice/Social Exclusion

 Ways of engaging with young people in the area

 Young people and the Future

• Amsterdam group

 What is Environmental Justice ?

 Cases of environmental (in) justice :

• Global
• National
• Local (passing the word to the next presenter)

 Environmental Justice in Our City

•Main problems

•Good things :

 What can be done ?

 Group’s suggestions (Young People’s voices)

 Channels to engage young people. (Local Government, European Parliament, NGOs project, taking responsibility, behaviour change, etc)

• German group

 The history of Gropiusstadt - Environmental Justice in our local area

 Environmental Justice - A Global perspective

 Group’s case study

 The travel of a t-shirt

• What happens in each stop ?

• What are the injustices ?

 Group Campaign : Be Fair, buy Fair

 3 points messages

 Group video : Be Fair, buy Fair

• London group

 What is Environmental Justice ?

 Cases of environmental (in) justice :

• Global

• National

• Local (passing the word to the next presenter)

 Environmental Justice in Our City

• Main problems

• Good things

 What can be done ?

 Group’s suggestions (Young People’s voice)

 Channels to engage young people. (Local Government, European Parliament, NGOs project, taking responsibility, behaviour change, etc)

• Discussion and conclusions

Lieu : Parlement européen, Room 1E 201

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