13:20 Welcome and setting the scene by Alain LIPIETZ, MEP -Chairman of the Subgroup Trade and Environment, Intergroup on Sustainable Development
13:30 João MENEZES, Portuguese Presidency - Biodiversity and nature Conservation Institute (ICNB)
13:40 Sir John R. Kaputin, ACP Representative (tbc)
13:50 Jean-Claude JACQUES (ppt, 4,3 Mo), Director, IUCN Liaison office
14:00 Gareth Steel (ppt, 80 ko), ADG Trade, European Commission
14:10 Philip MIKOS, Head of Unit, DG Development, European Commission
14:20 Discussion
14:55 Conclusions and closing remarks by Alain LIPIETZ
Informations et renseignements :
EBCD, Secretariat of the Intergroup on Sustainable Development of the EP
Stamatis Sivitos
PHONE: 32 (0)2 230 3070 • MOB: 32 (0) 477400989
Lieu :
Parlement européen
Salle PHS 7C50