Böll dinner debate

27 juin 2007

Trade in the Era of Climate Change – Problem ? Solution ?

Some believe or hope to reorganize the distribution of wealth through the redistribution of production and the promotion of global trade. It is broadly accepted that human economic activity is a major contributor to the CO² emission.

It is also accepted that significant amount of CO2 emissions play a large role in the climate change phenomenon.

How can the priorities of stimulating economic development for all parties concerned through trade on one hand, and reducing greenhouse gases and climate change on the other, be reconciled ?

What domestic and international policies can be implemented in order to ensure future climate security and economic development ?

How can and will the EU ensure that its push to bring down “non-tariff barriers” in the trade negotiations is not reducing or even outlawing
the policy space of its partner countries to adopt climate-friendly policies, measures or standards ?

Will and can the EU trade negotiation mandate be broaden to the organization of transfer of the best environmental practice, know-how and technology to the trade partners ; to conditions that makes environmental protection economically attractive ?

Speakers :

 Alain Lipietz, MEP, European Greens/European Free Alliance

 Renate Nikolay, Cabinet of Peter Mandelson

Chair :

 Claude Weinber, Director Heinrich Böll Foundation EU Regional Office, Brussels

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